Sunday 21 March 2010

March 15 2010.Today I started with the editing just to see the footage we had so far. Unfortunately the footage wasn’t good enough to be edited. The main problem was the fact that there were soon many mistakes with the camera work and acting, moreover the tap we used was damaged therefore the quality of film wasn’t good at all. Although there were a few shots that were saved onto the pc. As they were the best shots we had at the time, which was the scene where we have one of our characters leaning against the wall and noticing our protagonist walking past. Apart from that we needed to re-film the whole thing again so that we could change the tape, and correct some of the mistakes that were made during filming.

March 16 2010.Today I started editing again. This footage we had now was much better than before. The camera work was better and the mistakes made during the 1st filming were corrected. While cropping the footage we had we started to notice some hitches within the acting although these could still be hidden by editing. I managed to get the first 30 second of the film done to a reasonable standard. With this I started to explore the software of final cut pro more. I figured out how to change the speed of the clips moreover I also figured out how to change the lighting of the film, in addition to crop the image so that objects we have captured within the shot that aren’t meant to be there can be eliminated.

March 17 2010.Today I got a lot of the editing done, due to the fact that I now have more knowledge through experience on the software, I managed to get a lot of editing done. How ever we got up to the part where our protagonist gets caught b y her pursuer and receives her text book. He figured that this scene wasn’t that good and would need refilling.

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