Sunday 21 March 2010

score notes

Foot steps with a mellow youthful sound. By the phrase mellow youthful sound. By the youthful sound we mean the music of artist that appeal to teenagers, and young adults, preferably the type of music that would appeal to girls as in the opening scene we would have a shot of the college, and have the girl walking out of college. The ideal sound of music that we would be looking for would be along the lines of RnB music or even light rock music.

The music then silences down as Jerome calls out. With this there would be a sense of suspense within the audience as in something dramatic would be about to happen.

As the chase is on, there would need to be music that brings up a lot of action. This kind of music would be hip hop with a hard bass sound and hard snare sound. The beat would have to be in fast pace. The reason for such choice would be so that a representation of the male chasing the girl. This would make the audience think that the male that is chasing he would be the antagonist.

When Jerome brings out the book, after saying he has something for Sophie (the girl in the scene) there would be a rising sound of strings. With this non diagetic sound of music, the audience will hopefully be at the edge of there seats feeling that something is going to happen to the girl. When the male finally reveals it’s a book he has in his hand, the music will now turn to the original used at the beginning of the sequence.

As Sophie our main character walks away after reviving the book another woman walks up to her and asks her for a cigarette. When this happens the music stops. The girl asks Sophie for a cigarette, as this happens the girl punches Sophie in the face. When this happens a non diagetic sound of a bang will start up, while this bang is heard, the music used in the chase will start up again as Sophie is dragged in the car.

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