Monday 29 March 2010

Evaluation1. Promotion

One way that the audience of our product was address was through a facebook group. Facebook is a social networking site, that is used world wide. the website is predominately a user integrated website.

this picture is a print screen of the facebook group. The facebook group enables us to give updates concerning the film, dates the film will be out, and further information.

This websites enables us to advertise our product through viral marketing. this is where the users join the group and invite friends to join the group. with this the money for marketing and promotion actually cost no money at all.

here is a print screen of a group invitation window. this gives a picture of the group, in addition to the name of the person who has invited you to the group. With this the user of the software would be able to have assurance that the link or group is not a counterfeit one, and one that they can rely on.

Another way in which people can also help us promote our product. this is through people sharing our product on their pages on facebook. with this people who are not on the facebook group can have access to the video, therefore if people think the video is good, they will share it whiting themselves and therefor a wider range of audience will be accessed.

Although the downside of this is that only facebook users can access the blog, therefore there would need to be another way that we could advertise. this is where the poster comes into play. the dark colours of the poster relates to the concept of abduction, through the dark colours within it. The choice of colour brings the suspense within the film and the stereotypical idea of someone getting abducted and put into a dark room.

Another way of advertising was putting posters of the film around. this would raise public awareness of the film and also draw attention to those who we wont be able to reach through social networking sites.
Posting the video on youtube was also a good idea for promotion of the product. youtube is a world wide based video sharing site, in which is user generated. security on youtube is high, which mean a duplication of our video cannot be made as seen in the below print screen .
therefore with this nobody Can copy our production or work because youtube has record on this in their system, and none can steal or edit the work.

moreover we put posters around college to promote our film. This created a certain hype with our product in which people were automatically attracted  to the film and asking when is it out.  

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