Thursday 1 April 2010

What have you leant about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Pd170p camera.
This camera gives a High definition picture quality, alongside a choice of colour to record with. this could be either black or white, sepia and in colour. the camera allows there to be free movement and a verity of shots down to it's strong handle. The camera also comes with a high quality built in play back mode in which helps you Finnish the recording to a good standard. Using the camera i found out that there was a variety of ways in which there was to record. I felt comfortable using the camera for the task. I had to do a point of view shot and i instantly got the hang of the camera and how to work around the camera.

The tripod allowed easy filming and a variety of shots to be shot. placing the camera on the tripod allowed us to shoot shots the best was. If we had carried the camera the shots wouldn't have come out as good has they could have. With the help of a tripod we could do shots like over the shoulder, and high angles at the best quality that they could be. The tripod also allows stillness of shots, which meant better camera work.

Apple Mac

As i usually use windows, the useage of the apple mac semmed to be challenging. This was becuase of the different interface in which the apple mac provided. as time went on and i got used to the apple mac i started to see the qaulities that it provided. As editorit was crucial that i knew my way round the mac for a good qaulity end product.

Final cut pro
final cut pro was he software that we used for editing. finaly cut pro in all was easy to work through, although different aspects like transitions and cuts in the exact place at times invilved two time lines. The main thing i learnt from final cut pro was how to add music into the scenes and also hoe to export the files to the correct video mode so that prootional site like youtube will be able to support the video.

(This above clip was very useful in helping me inderstand my way around final cut pro).

sound track pro is what i used to edit sounds to fit into our film. Using soundtrack pro i was able to figure out how to make music using a layerd format.

Other things leant from technologies
  • How to change speed on final cut pro to add suspence.
  • How to export and import scenes from a tape onto the programm of final cut pro to edit.
  • Different ways to promote the product through using technology and uploading to youtube.

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